javascript - Drag, Drop, Sort, Clone and Change Class Not Working -

here's i'm trying accomplish

(version 2.0 new code updates)

i'm trying create module has 2 columns. left , right. want buttons in left column when dropped right change classes. when buttons on left dropped on right want them call animated class per-defined transitions in larger image. these boxes drag , droppable in right column.

again need module drag, drop, clone, sort , change classes. have figured out except changing of classes. i've been working on time insight appreciated. thanks.

here's picture , code

here's picture of i'm trying accomplish - twitter pic.

here's my new fiddle project.

suggested code isn't working

here's latest effort alter javascript advised on post. script still isn't working. understand i'm trying do, missing. little anyone?

$('ui-sortable-handle').droppable({     drop: function(event, ui) {        if($(this).attr('id').indexof('music')){        $(this).addclass("droppedlimusic");     }         else if($(this).attr('id').indexof('nav')){        $(this).addclass("droppedlinav");     } }, over: function(event, ui) {}, out: function(event, ui) {} }); 

the following code version 3 of work still isn't working...sigh..

$("#left-pane li").draggable({     containment: '#gbox',     cursor: 'move',     helper: 'clone',     scroll: false,     connecttosortable: '#right-pane',     appendto: '#right-pane',     start: function () {},     stop: function (event, ui) {} }).mousedown(function () {});  $("#right-pane").sortable({     sort: function () {},     placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',     receive: function () {},     update: function (event, ui) {} });  $("#right-pane li").live('dblclick', function () {     $(this).remove(); })  $("#right-pane").droppable({     accept: "#left-pane li",     accept: ":not(.ui-sortable-helper)",     drop: function (event, ui) {         if ($(ui.draggable).find('.single-item').length == 0) {             $(ui.draggable).append("<div class='single-item'><input type='text' class='item-title' /><br /><textarea class='item-text'></textarea></div>");         }     } });  $("#left-pane").droppable({     accept: "#right-pane li",     drop: function (event, ui) {} });  $("ul, li").disableselection(); 

original module html

<div class="wrapper">     <div class="left-column">         <ul id="left-pane">             <li class="music"><a href=""><img src="" width="55px" /></a></li>             <li class="nav"><a href=""><img src="" width="55px" /></a></li>             <li class="phone"><a href=""><img src="" width="55px" /></a></li>         </ul>     </div>     <div class="right-column">         <ul id="right-pane"></ul>     </div> </div>   

i think searching for..

if($('#music').hasclass('droppedlimusic')){    //your code } 


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