Powershell Kill all processes except system -

in powershell, kill processes users, except explorer , processes used system

this including errors given:

$cred = get-credential; invoke-command -computername localhost -credential $cred -scriptblock { get-process $env:allusersprofile | where-object -filterscript {$_.name -ne "system, network service, local service"} | where-object -filterscript {$_.name -ne "explorer"} | stop-process -whatif } cannot find process name "c:\programdata". verify process name , call cmdlet again.     + categoryinfo          : objectnotfound: (c:\programdata:string) [get-process], processcommandexception     + fullyqualifiederrorid : noprocessfoundforgivenname,microsoft.powershell.commands.getprocesscommand     + pscomputername        : localhost 

here, should work you.

function stop-userprocesses{ param([string]$computer = "localhost")     $cred = get-credential     invoke-command -computername $computer -credential $cred -scriptblock {          get-process -includeusername | where{!($_.username -match "nt authority\\(?:system|(?:local|network) service)") -and !($_.processname -eq "explorer")}|stop-process -whatif     } } 

once convinced functional remove -whatif. call stop-userprocesses end locally, or stop-userprocesses somecomputer01 end on remote system (assuming have remote sessions enabled in environment).

edit: then, evidently -includeusername switch new in v4. so, in order want have jump through hoops , use get-wmiobject on win32_process class, execute getowner() method each process. want filter don't end things idle throwing errors when don't have owner, we'll make sure commandline property exists.

function stop-userprocesses{ param([string]$computer = "localhost")     $cred = get-credential     invoke-command -computername $computer -credential $cred -scriptblock {          #get processes         $processes = get-wmiobject win32_process|where{![string]::isnullorempty($_.commandline)}|select *,@{l='owner';e={$_.getowner().user}}         #filter out system , service processes         $processes = $processes | { !($_.owner -match "(?:system|(?:local|network) service)") }         #get processes , filter on process id , name = explorer, pipe stop-process         get-process | { $processes.processid -contains $_.id -and $_.name -ne "explorer" } | stop-process -whatif     } } 


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