Vagrant up fails with Laravel: 'The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status' -

new laravel , vagrant, never put virtual machine way other via mamp. new using terminal in general.

running on mac osx 10.9. vagrantfile (and laravel) placed in folder in documents.

receiving error:

the ssh command responded non-zero exit status. vagrant assumes means command failed. output command should in log above. please read output determine went wrong. 

log since 'vagrant up'

used vagrant files

update: when accessing designated vm address through browser, greeted 403 forbidden

edit: link terminal log updated after fixing laravel installation issues regarding mcrypt.

update: tried solution described here adding following /etc/sudoers. problem not fixed.

vagrant all=(all) nopasswd:all defaults:vagrant !requiretty 

the artisan file isn't there.

php artisan migrate #fails 

i can't tell should in /var/www, seems me laravel isn't getting set properly. try vagrant ssh snoop around in /var/www (ls /var/www) , see what's there/what's missing.


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