makefile - Can't compile simple code with SDCC for pic on debian -

i'm trying compile following code sdcc, in debian using vim , makefile:

void main(void) {  } 

yes, simple, it's not working yet. i'm using makefile :

# gnu/linux specific make directives.  # declare tools. shell = /bin/sh cc = sdcc  ld = gplink  echo = @echo  mcu = 16f88 arch = pic14  cflags  = -m$(arch) -p$(mcu)  ldflags = -c -r -w -m /usr/share/sdcc/lib/$(arch)/  executable = t1  sources = test2.c  objects = $(sources:.c=.o) cleanfiles = test2.o test2.asm test2.lst  .suffixes: .c .o .phony: clean  # compile all: $(executable)  .c.o:     $(at) $(cc) $(cflags) -o $*.o -c $<  $(executable): $(objects)     $(at) $(ld) $(ldflags) $(objects) -o $(executable)  clean:     $(at) rm -rf $(cleanfiles) 

after of output after running makefile is:

sdcc  -mpic14 -p16f88  -o test2.o -c test2.c gplink  -c -r -w -m /usr/share/sdcc/lib/pic14/ test2.o -o t1 make: *** [t1] segmentation fault 

i have tried more complex code same result, can't see what's wrong, ?

i see several things can causing problems:

  • when compile pics using sdcc, need option --use-non-free because pic header files have special microchip licence not gpl compatible. furthermore, --use-non-free might not available on debian because of freedom policy if installed sdcc repositories. need install latest sdcc official website.

  • on linking stage, should include pic libraries needed run. try executing sdcc -mpic14 -p16f88 --use-non-free -v test2.c. way, sdcc links automatically , -v (verbose) can see calls assembler , linker , can see libraries added on linkage.


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