import - R read.csv "More columns than column names" error -

i have problem when importing .csv file r. code:

t <- read.csv("c:\\n0_07312014.csv", na.string=c("","null","nan","x"),           header=t, stringsasfactors=false,check.names=f) 

r reports error , not want:

error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote,  :    more columns column names 

i guess problem because data not formatted. need data [,1:32]. others should deleted.

data can downloaded from:

thanks much!

that's 1 wonky csv file. multiple headers tossed (try pasting csv fingerprint) see mean.

since don't know data, it's impossible sure following produces accurate results you, involves using readlines , other r functions pre-process text:

# use readlines data dat <- readlines("n0_07312014.csv")  # had fix grep errors sys.setlocale('lc_all','c')  # filter out repeating, , wonky headers dat_2 <- grep("node name,rtc_date", dat, invert=true, value=true)  # turn vector text connection read.csv dat_3 <- read.csv(textconnection(paste0(dat_2, collapse="\n")),                   header=false, stringsasfactors=false)  str(dat_3) ## 'data.frame':    308 obs. of  37 variables: ##  $ v1 : chr  "node 0" "node 0" "node 0" "node 0" ... ##  $ v2 : chr  "07/31/2014" "07/31/2014" "07/31/2014" "07/31/2014" ... ##  $ v3 : chr  "08:58:18" "08:59:22" "08:59:37" "09:00:06" ... ##  $ v4 : chr  "" "" "" "" ... ## .. more ##  $ v36: chr  "" "" "" "" ... ##  $ v37: chr  "0" "0" "0" "0" ...  # grab headers headers <- strsplit(dat[1], ",")[[1]]  # how many of them there? length(headers) ## [1] 32  # limit 32 columns want (which matches) dat_4 <- dat_3[,1:32]  # , add headers colnames(dat_4) <- headers  str(dat_4) ## 'data.frame':    308 obs. of  32 variables: ##  $ node name         : chr  "node 0" "node 0" "node 0" "node 0" ... ##  $ rtc_date          : chr  "07/31/2014" "07/31/2014" "07/31/2014" "07/31/2014" ... ##  $ rtc_time          : chr  "08:58:18" "08:59:22" "08:59:37" "09:00:06" ... ##  $ n1 bat (vdc)      : chr  "" "" "" "" ... ##  $ n1 shinyei (ug/m3): chr  "" "" "0.23" "null" ... ##  $ n1 cc (ppb)       : chr  "" "" "null" "null" ... ##  $ n1 aeroq (ppm)    : chr  "" "" "null" "null" ... ## ... continues 


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