Bold symbol in Matlab legend -

i have plot in matlab following legend:

h = legend('reference','$\hat{\theta}_2 = 5\theta_2$','$\hat{\theta}_2 = 10\theta_2$');     set(h,'interpreter','latex') 

now want make variables \theta bold faced use in latex report.

i tried:

h = legend('reference','$\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}_2 = 5\mathbf{\theta}_2$','$\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}_2 = 10\mathbf{\theta}_2$');     set(h,'interpreter','latex') 

unfortunately not working.

for reason bold symbols possible tex interpreter, way can't use \hat{...}. need decide, if either want use bold symbols or hat , other latex-only stuff:

x = 1:100; y1 = sin(x/2).^2; y2 = -sin(x/2).^2;  f = figure(1); p(1) = plot(x,zeros(numel(x),1)); hold on p(2) = plot(x,y1); hold on; p(3) = plot(x,y2); hold on;   h1 = legend(p(1:2),'reference','\bf{\theta}_2 = 5\cdot \theta_2');     set(h1,'interpreter','tex','location','northeast')  nh = copyobj(h1,f);  h2 = legend(p(3),'$\hat{\mathbf{\theta}}_2 = 5\cdot \mathbf{\theta}_2$');     set(h2,'interpreter','latex','location','southwest') 

enter image description here

i'm afraid there no other in-matlab solution. i'd recommend save plot vector graphic , post process illustrator or inkscape.


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