uiviewcontroller - Supporting Multiple Interface but have single interface in home screen not working in iOS8 + iPhone -

i have view structure below.

homeview(support portrait mode)  |  |  v view1(support orientation)  |  |  v view2(support orientation) 

problem :
when coming view2(landscape mode) homeview calling poptorootviewcontroller method,it did not call supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow method of app_delegate , display homeview in landscape mode.


enter image description here

note :
same thing not happens when came view1(landscape mode) homeview calling poptorootviewcontroller method call supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow , works great.
if run app using xcode6 in ios7 works great.

i read below question did not me.
how maintain presenting view controller's orientation when dismissing modal view controller?

in above link matt said ios8 stop support friezing orientation, did not find in apple document if have reference link change please share.

question :
1] why delegate method supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow not calling.
2] possible have 1 view support single orientation , other support orientation.


i solve , post answer may one

problem :
have below code in supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow.

- (nsuinteger)application:(uiapplication *)application supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow:(uiwindow *)window {     // suport portrait mode home screen     if([self.navigationcontroller.topviewcontroller iskindofclass:[viewhome class]])      {         return uiinterfaceorientationmaskportrait;     }     return uiinterfaceorientationmaskall; } 

but delegate method supportedinterfaceorientationsforwindow not called when use poptorootviewcontrolleranimated method when there ismore 2 view cotnrollersexists in stack.

solution :
step1: create sub class of navigation controller.

step2: override method poptorootviewcontrolleranimated , write code below // overwrite super class method poptorootviewcontrolleranimated.

-(nsarray*)poptorootviewcontrolleranimated:(bool)animated {     // ios8 , above     if (floor(nsfoundationversionnumber) > nsfoundationversionnumber_ios_7_1)     {         // array contaimn poped view controllers object.         nsmutablearray *popedcontrollersarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];          // tmp created controllers object         nsarray *controllers;          // hold first view cotnrollers.         uiviewcontroller *firstviewcontroller = [self.viewcontrollers objectatindex:1];          // pop first view controllers no animation.         controllers = [super poptoviewcontroller:firstviewcontroller animated:no];          // add poped view cotnrollers objects array.         [popedcontrollersarray addobjectsfromarray:controllers];          // pop root view controller animation         [super popviewcontrolleranimated:yes];          // add first view controller object poped above line.         [popedcontrollersarray addobject:firstviewcontroller];          // return poped view controllers object.         return popedcontrollersarray;     }     else     {         // called super view poptorootviewcontrolleranimated method , return popped         // view controllers array.         return [super poptorootviewcontrolleranimated:animated];     } } 

please fill free comments , ask questions.


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