ruby on rails - cocoon select2 ajax load of partial - select2 element doesnt load -
i have rails app uses cocoon
= link_to_add_association
to call partial form
on main form have coffee script load of data select2 elements
when ajax partial inserted select2 element doesnt appear. need instantiate it.
this form coffee/js
$(document).ready -> $(".select2").each (i, e) -> select = $(e) options = {} if select.hasclass("ajax") options.ajax = url:"source") datatype: "json" data: (term, page) -> q: term page: page per: 10 results: (data, page) -> results: data options.placeholder = "select value" options.allowclear= "true" options.dropdownautowidth = "true" options.initselection = (element, callback) -> data = {id: element.val().split('||')[0], text: element.val().split('||')[1]}; callback data select.select2 options return
if use coocon - insert after binding
$('body').bind 'cocoon:after-insert', (e, inserted_item) -> $(".select2").each (i, e) -> select = $(e) options = {} if select.hasclass("ajax") options.ajax = url:"source") datatype: "json" data: (term, page) -> q: term page: page per: 10 results: (data, page) -> results: data options.placeholder = "select value" options.allowclear= "true" options.dropdownautowidth = "true" options.initselection = (element, callback) -> data = {id: element.val().split('||')[0], text: element.val().split('||')[1]}; callback data select.select2 options return
i elements on page refreshed - naturally call select2 objects. didnt write code select2 js.
all of existing form elements ok, elemeted added dynamically refreshed - loose values have.
i want select element added , make work.
if try
$('body').bind 'cocoon:after-insert', (e, inserted_item) -> $(inserted_item).find(".select2").select2 return
it doesnt work either
tried many options hair thin , needing help. js arch enemy find pain .....
$(document).ready -> $('body').bind "cocoon:after-insert", (e, inserted_item) -> select=$(inserted_item).find(".select2.ajax") options = {} if select.hasclass("ajax") options.ajax = url:"source") datatype: "json" data: (term, page) -> q: term page: page per: 10 results: (data, page) -> results: data options.placeholder = "select value" options.allowclear= "true" options.dropdownautowidth = "true" options.initselection = (element, callback) -> data = {id: element.val().split('||')[0], text: element.val().split('||')[1]}; callback data select.select2 options return
omg. hours on , ....
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