psychology - psychopy builder experiment with feedback and multiple if loops -

i trying use coder view make experiment involves feedback , multiple conditional statements. how do though? task involve 4 math problems, , participants allowed have 3 attempts each problem. structure should this...

loop 1: goes through 4 problems

loop 2: allows 3 attempts per problem

loop 3: if response correct, "correct" , move onto next problem; else, "incorrect" , ask if try again or move on

this first time using python , can't work out kinks in code. there no error message returned, rather, code not register response , task frozen in place @ prompt screen. code below. didn't include libraries , other setup.

t=0 nproblem=4 nattempt=3  while currentprob <= nproblem:     problemtimer.reset()     attempt = 1      # *prompt* updates     prompt.setautodraw(true)     prompt.settext(u'problem prompt go here.\n\ntype in answer , press enter submit.', log=false)      while attempt <= nattempt:          response = []         # *response* updates         core.wait(1) #lb - using in place of enormous if-statement          event.clearevents(eventtype='keyboard')         thesekeys = event.getkeys(keylist=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'])         # check quit:         if "escape" in thesekeys:             endexpnow = true         if ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0') in thesekeys: # subject responds number value             response.append(thesekeys) # tack on responses previous responses          while event.getkeys(keylist=['return'])==[]:              # *timer* updates             if t <= 0.0:                 # keep track of start time/frame later                 timer.setautodraw(true)             #elif timer.status == started , t >= (0.0 + (600-win.monitorframeperiod*0.75)): #most of 1 frame period left                 #timer.setautodraw(false)             #if timer.status == started:  # update if being drawn                 timer.settext(str(round((600+routinetimer.gettime())/60,1)) , log=false)              # *minutesleft* updates             if t >= 0.0:                 # keep track of start time/frame later                 minutesleft.setautodraw(true)             #elif minutesleft.status == started , t >= (0.0 + (600-win.monitorframeperiod*0.75)): #most of 1 frame period left             #minutesleft.setautodraw(false)              numberlist=event.getkeys(keylist=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','backspace','return'])             number in numberlist:                 #if key isn't backspace, add key pressed string                 if number !='backspace':                     response.append(number)                 #otherwise, take last letter off string                 elif len(text)>=0:                     response.remove(numberlist[number-1])             #continually redraw text onscreen until return pressed             answer = visual.textstim(win, text=response,color="black",pos=(0,-100))             answer.draw()             win.flip()             event.clearevents()          if len(thesekeys) > 0:  # @ least 1 key pressed             response.keys.extend(thesekeys)  # storing keys             response.rt.append(response.clock.gettime())          #check quit         if "escape" in thesekeys:             endexpnow = true          if response == '9999': # correct?             correctans = 1         else:              correctans = 0         if thesekeys == 'enter':             response.keys.extend(thesekeys) # storing keys             response.rt.append(attemptresponse.clock.gettime())             if correctans == 1:                 attempt += 888 #ends , goes next problem                 currentprob += 1                 datafile.write(attempt,attemptresponse,thesekeys,response,correctans) #output separated commas                 #datafile.write('pid    cond    prob    att time    resp\n')                 response_correct.draw()                 win.flip()                 event.waitkeys()             if correctans == 0:                 attempt += 1 #lb = setting 1 forever                 datafile.write(attempt-1,attemptresponse,thesekeys,response,correctans) #output separated commas                 response_incorrect.draw()                 win.flip()                 thesekeys = event.getkeys(keylist=['q','space'])                 if thesekeys == 'q':                     continueroutine = false                 if thesekeys == 'space':                     prompt.draw()                     win.flip()                     event.waitkeys() 

i cannot write complete code point out few things of way.

getting responses

thesekeys = event.getkeys(keylist=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0']) if "escape" in thesekeys: 

here thesekeys can contain stuff in keylist "escape" never there. extend keylist "escape" - , possibly "enter" use later.

if ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0') in thesekeys: 

thesekeys list , when "(x,y,z) in list", element (x,y,z) , not occurrances of x, y , z. if have keylist above, know non-escape response 1 of these it's unneccessary. do

thesekeys = event.getkeys(keylist=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', 'escape']) if "escape" in thesekeys:     core.quit()  # assuming psychopy.core imported elif "enter" in thesekeys:     # something else:    response.append(thesekeys[0])  # obs: pick first response 


it looks want use for loop rather while loop. using for-loops, don't have keep track of current loop number. rather than

while currentprob <= nproblem: 


for currentprob in range(nproblem): 

then increment of currentprob happens automatically , loop terminated when should. more elegant when possible.

waiting responses

i'm bit in doubt whether want use event.waitkeys() rather than event.getkeys() in while-loop, , use maxwait argument if want control waiting time , use core.clock() if want track timing. while loop ok if want animate if not, event.waitkeys() simpler , safer.

and lastly, while try make work, use lot of print statements check actual contents of thesekeys , other variables. it's best way debug , capture gotchas.


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