c# - How to change the color for entire GridView row -

protected void yourtasksgv_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e) {       if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)     {         system.web.ui.webcontrols.imagebutton btnshowdepend = e.row.findcontrol("btnshowdepend") system.web.ui.webcontrols.imagebutton;         if (!string.isnullorempty(e.row.cells[5].text))         {             if (datetime.parse(e.row.cells[5].text).date < datetime.now.date)             {                 e.row.cells[5].forecolor = color.fromname("#c00000");                 e.row.cells[5].tooltip = "task past due";                 //instead of column per row, set every row matches condition color             }             else if (datetime.parse(e.row.cells[5].text).date <= datetime.now.adddays(indateoffset).date)             {                 e.row.cells[5].forecolor = color.fromname("#dca704");                 e.row.cells[5].tooltip = "task @ risk";                 //instead of column per row, set every row matches condition color             }             else             {                 e.row.cells[5].tooltip = "task not due yet";             }         }     } } 

instead of changing color of specific column in row using date function, how set entire row?

row has forecolor , tooltip properties well. do

if (datetime.parse(e.row.cells[5].text).date < datetime.now.date) {    e.row.forecolor = color.fromname("#c00000");    e.row.tooltip = "task past due"; } 


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