c# - Entity Framework 6.1.1 Code First create unreadable table -

i have problem code:

class program {       static void main(string[] args)       {          database.setinitializer(new dropcreatedatabasealways<mycontext>());           using (var context = new mycontext()) {             var newtype = new systype { name = "new name" };             context.systypes.add(newtype);             context.savechanges();                      }           using (var context = new mycontext()) {             console.writeline(context.systypes.firstordefault());          }           console.readline();       }    }     public class systype    {       public int id { get; set; }       public string name { get; set; }     }     public class mycontext : dbcontext    {       public mycontext() : base("name=mydb") { }             public dbset<systype> systypes { get; set; }          } 

during execution program exception happens:


system.data.sqlclient.sqlexeption: ad hoc updates system catalogs not allowed.

but database created (to post images not allowed me)

![sql server object explorer view]

if try query table's data, exception thrown

![exception if query table data]

if create tables manually using sql script, table query successful.

Аfter many hours, realized because of name of table.

if change table name - work perfectly.

my question is: why table name systype throw exception? Аnd there other names of tables cause similar problems?

i glad hear answer question

update: model first approach - same result

because entity have created dbo.systypes existing system table in database dbo.systypes.

your entity generated dbo.systypes because dbo default schema name when generating table , systype pluralized systypes pluralizingtablenameconvention.

the solution configure manually generated table name, can either using attribute:


or using fluent api:



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