javascript - Using jsPlumb with dynamic content -

ill try user jsplumb:flowchart within mysql based dynamic content.

my code based on demo example flowchart:jquery
im generating endpoints within database query

$plumb .= '_addendpoints("drag'.$id_kurs.'", ["topcenter", "bottomcenter", "leftmiddle", "rightmiddle"]); 

and im adding content @ end of database content

$vorschau .= '      </div>                     </div>                      <script>                             jsplumb.ready(function() {                                     var instance = jsplumb.getinstance({                                         dragoptions : { cursor: "pointer", zindex:2000 },                                          connectionoverlays : [                                             [ "arrow", { location:1 } ],                                             [ "label", {                                                  location:0.5,                                                 id:"label",                                                 cssclass:"alabel"                                             }]                                         ],                                     });                                      var connectorpaintstyle = {                                         linewidth:2,                                         strokestyle:"#db0018",                                         joinstyle:"round",                                         outlinecolor:"white",                                         outlinewidth:1                                     },                                     // .. , hover style.                                      connectorhoverstyle = {                                         linewidth:2,                                         strokestyle:"#000000",                                         outlinewidth:1,                                         outlinecolor:"white"                                     },                                     endpointhoverstyle = {                                         fillstyle:"#000000",                                         strokestyle:"#db0019"                                     },                                     sourceendpoint = {                                         endpoint:["rectangle",{ width:18, height:18}],                                         paintstyle:{                                              fillstyle:"#db0013"                                         },                                         maxconnections:999,                                              issource:true,                                         istarget:true,                                         connector:[ "flowchart", { stub:[40, 60], gap:10, cornerradius:5, alwaysrespectstubs:true } ],                                                                                       connectorstyle:connectorpaintstyle,                                         hoverpaintstyle:endpointhoverstyle,                                         connectorhoverstyle:connectorhoverstyle,                                         dragoptions:{}                                             },                                           init = function(connection) {                                                    connection.getoverlay("label").setlabel(connection.sourceid.substring(15) + "-" + connection.targetid.substring(15));                                         connection.bind("editcompleted", function(o) {                                             if (typeof console != "undefined")                                                 console.log("connection edited. path ", o.path);                                         });                                     };                                                var _addendpoints = function(toid, sourceanchors, targetanchors) {                                             (var = 0; < sourceanchors.length; i++) {                                                 var sourceuuid = toid + sourceanchors[i];                                                 instance.addendpoint("flowchart" + toid, sourceendpoint, { anchor:sourceanchors[i], uuid:sourceuuid });                                                                  }                                     };                                                                                            instance.dowhilesuspended(function() {                                           '.$plumb.'                                          instance.bind("connection", function(conninfo, originalevent) {                                              init(conninfo.connection);                                         });                                                   instance.bind("click", function(conn, originalevent) {                                             if (confirm("delete connection " + conn.sourceid + " " + conn.targetid + "?"))                                                 jsplumb.detach(conn);                                          });                                           instance.bind("connectiondrag", function(connection) {                                             console.log("connection " + + " being dragged. suspendedelement ", connection.suspendedelement, " of type ", connection.suspendedelementtype);                                         });                                               instance.bind("connectiondragstop", function(connection) {                                             console.log("connection " + + " dragged");                                         });                                          instance.bind("connectionmoved", function(params) {                                             console.log("connection " + + " moved");                                         });                                     });                             });                     </script>'; 

all of within function

the html/css structure showing correctly wont show endpoints.
have included needed js/css files, said im using demo basement code.

my error message:

typeerror: el null
...fsettop, op = (relativetoroot || (container != null && el.offsetparent != conta...

the line within dom-adapter error relating to:

var l = el.offsetleft, t = el.offsettop, op = (relativetoroot || (container != null && el.offsetparent != container)) ? el.offsetparent : null;

the code in question contains function & variable definitions, no executions create endpoints/connections.

as visible in source code of jsplumb demo :

the connect calls missing.

var connection1 = instance.connect({         source:"window1",          target:"window2",                        connector:["bezier", { curviness:70 }],         cssclass:"c1",         endpoint:"blank",         endpointclass:"c1endpoint",                                                     ...}); 

these calls missing, used in demo create connections & render corresponding endpoints.


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