php - PhalconPHP MVC Micro app: Specify a request path and assert the response code -

i've followed unit testing tutorial , modified test http request micro mvc app, based on post. can validate output string, i'm not sure how assert response status code or change request path.


<?php  $app = new \phalcon\mvc\micro();  #default handler 404 $app->notfound(function () use ($app) {     $app->response->setstatuscode(404, "not found")->sendheaders(); });  $app->post('/api/robots', function() use ($app) {     //parse json object     $robot = $app->request->getjsonrawbody();     //build response     $app->response->setjsoncontent($robot);     return $app->response; });  $app->get('/', function() {     echo 'hello'; });  $app->handle(); 


class mvcmicrounittest extends \unittestcase {      public function testnotfound() {         $path = '/invalid';         $mockrequest = $this->getmock("\\phalcon\\http\\request");         //todo: set invalid url $path in mock         $this->di->set('request', $mockrequest, true);         include("../index.php");         //todo: assert status 404         $this->expectoutputstring('');     }      public function testpostrobot() {         $rawjson = '{"name":"c-3po","type":"droid","year":1977}';         $path = '/api/robots';         $mockrequest = $this->getmock("\\phalcon\\http\\request", array(             "getjsonrawbody"));         $mockrequest->expects($this->any())                 ->method("getrawbody")                 ->will($this->returnvalue($rawjson));         //todo: set $path in mock         $this->di->set('request', $mockrequest, true);         include("../index.php");         //todo: assert status 200         $this->expectoutputstring($rawjson);     } } 

good news , bad news. good: far use standard dispatching principle have response, contain information need. small trick – when status success header set false.

/**  * @param $expected  * @throws expectationfailedexception  * @return $this  */ protected function assertresponsecode($expected) {     $actual = $this->di->getresponse()->getheaders()->get('status');      if ($actual !== false && $expected !== 200 && !preg_match(sprintf('/^%s/', $expected), $actual)) {         throw new expectationfailedexception(sprintf('failed asserting response code "%s".', $expected));     }      $this->asserttrue(true);     return $this; } 

bad: doing wrong way. area of functional / acceptance testing , there fabulous framework called behat. should own research, essentially, while phpunit great @ testing more or less independent blocks of functionality sucks @ testing bigger things full request execution. later start experiencing issues session errors, misconfigured environment, etc., because each request supposed executed in it's own separate space , force doing opposite. behat on other hand works in different way, each scenario (post robot, view non-existing page), sends fresh request server , checks result. used final testing of working making assertions on final result (response object / html / json).


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