c# - Parse a key1="foo",key2="bar" CSV string into a Dictionary(Of TKey, TValue) -

please take following string:


its output 3rd party sdk , need access values in our .net application.

what objects available in .net 2 parse string dictionary(of tkey, tvalue)?

for instance, we'd grab values using key names, instance:

dim x = whatever("detnumber") '#### x contain "1232700" 

i started coding manual stuff split on commas got messy when "," & "=" existed inside quoted values, example: key1="foo,bar",key2="hello=dorothy!" & thought myself must exist parse type of string?

i'm not having luck finding anything.

suggestions in either vb.net or c# fine.

string rules:

the documenation bit poor (i.e. dont know how double quote within value handled yet) can confirm following:

  • keys never quoted
  • keys never contain spaces
  • comma can exist within value: key="hello: something"
  • equals sign can exist within value: key="something=something"
  • values quoted, empty value key=""
  • one key = 1 value, key never have more 1 value
  • no white space exists outside values
  • keys variable , called anything, exist within values.

ok, given have strict rules around input string format, should do:

public static dictionary<string, string> getinputkeyvaluepairs(string input) {     var inputkeysandvalues = new dictionary<string, string>();      if (string.isnullorwhitespace(input)) return inputkeysandvalues;      const char keyvaluedelimiter = '=';     const char itemdelimeter = ',';     const char valuecontainer = '"';      var currentkey = string.empty;     var currentvalue = string.empty;     var processingkey = true;     var processingvalue = false;      foreach (var character in input)     {         if (processingkey)         {             // add characters currentkey until delimiter             if (character == keyvaluedelimiter) processingkey = false;             else currentkey += character;             continue;         }         if (processingvalue)         {             // add characters currentvalue until delimeter             if (character == valuecontainer) processingvalue = false;             else currentvalue += character;             continue;         }         if (character == itemdelimeter)         {             // we're between items now, store current key/value, reset             // them empty strings, , set flag start processing key.             inputkeysandvalues[currentkey] = currentvalue;             currentkey = currentvalue = string.empty;             processingkey = true;             continue;         }             if (character == valuecontainer)         {             // we're @ first quote before value, ignore             // , set flag start processing value             processingvalue = true;             continue;         }     }      // add last key/value     if (currentkey != string.empty) inputkeysandvalues[currentkey] = currentvalue;      return inputkeysandvalues; } 


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