php - Twitter access token request returns "Invalid or expired token" -

i using custom code connect twitter , request access token. reason when trying post "access_token" on api returns "invalid or expired token". code follows (apart few external function calls , properties should sufficient replicate error):

    public function authenticate($get,$return = false) {                                                     session_start();                      if (!isset($get['oauth_verifier'])){                     // step 1 - request token                     $step1 = $this->processrequest('oauth/request_token',0,$this->pobj->getredirecturl().'?process=true');                                                             parse_str($step1,$parts);                      if ($parts['oauth_callback_confirmed'] !== 'true'){ die('error process'); }                      $_session['tw_secret'] = $parts['oauth_token_secret'];                      // step 2                     $url = str_replace('1.1/','',$this->api_url);                     header("location: {$url}oauth/authenticate?oauth_token={$parts['oauth_token']}");             } else {                     // step 3                     $this->o_token = $get['oauth_token'];                     $this->o_secret = $_session['tw_secret'];                                          $content['oauth_verifier'] = $get['oauth_verifier'];                     $step3 = $this->processrequest('oauth/access_token',1,null,$content,'array');                                  }                }      //     private function generatesignature($oauth,$fullurl,$http_method,$content){                      // take params url             $main_url = explode('?',$fullurl);              // split content             $contents = explode('&',$content);              $urls = array_merge(explode('&',$main_url[1]),$contents);              foreach ($urls $param){                     $bits = explode('=',$param);                     if (strlen($bits[0])){                             $oauth[$bits[0]] = rawurlencode($bits[1]);                     }                 }              ksort($oauth);              $string = http_build_query($oauth);              $new_string = strtoupper($http_method).'&'.urlencode($main_url[0]).'&'.urlencode(urldecode($string));              // request_token request doesn't need o_secret because doesn't have one!             $sign_key = strstr($fullurl,'request_token') ? $this->c_secret.'&' : $this->c_secret.'&'.$this->o_secret;                       return urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1',$new_string,$sign_key,true)));             }      public function processrequest($in_url,$test = false,$callback = null,$content = null, $content_type = 'json',$form_content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'){                     $method = 'get';              // twitter still uses oauth1 (which pain)             $oauth = array(                     'oauth_consumer_key'=>$this->c_key,                     'oauth_nonce'=>$this->random(32),                     'oauth_signature_method'=>'hmac-sha1',                     'oauth_timestamp'=>time(),                     'oauth_token'=>$this->o_token,                     'oauth_version'=>'1.0'               );              $url = $this->api_url.$in_url;              if (strlen($callback)){                     $oauth['oauth_callback'] = urlencode(urldecode($callback));                     unset($oauth['oauth_token']);                     $method = 'post';                     $url = str_replace('1.1/','',$url);             }                              if (is_array($content) || strlen($content)){ $method = 'post'; }              $oauth['oauth_signature'] = $this->generatesignature($oauth,$url,$method,'');                                              ksort($oauth);              foreach ($oauth $k=>$v){                     $auths[] = $k.'="'.$v.'"';             }              $stream = array('http' =>                                     array(                                             'method' => $method,                                             'ignore_errors'=>true, // - otherwise browser returns error not error content                                             'follow_location'=>false,                                             'max_redirects'=>0,                                             'header'=> array(                                                                     'content-type: '.$form_content_type,                                                                     'authorization: oauth '.implode(', ',$auths),                                                                     'connection: close'                                                             )                                                                                  )                             );                                               if (is_array($content)){                       $content = $content_type == 'json' ? json_encode($content) : http_build_query($content);                    /* foreach ($content $k=>$v){                             $strs[] = "$k=".urlencode(urldecode($v));                             }                      // keep things simple                     $content = 'status=hello%20ladies%20%2b%20gentlemen%2c%20a%20signed%20oauth%20request%21';*/             }               if (!is_null($content)){                     $stream['http']['content'] = $content;             }                                                                             // tell streams make request               // invalid key or 401 error tends suggest incorrect signing key / signature                                                  $response = file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($stream));                           if ($test){                     print'<pre>';print_r($oauth);print'</pre>';                     print'<pre>';print_r($stream);print'</pre>';                     //echo $callback.'<br>';                     echo $url.'<br>';                     //print'<pre>';print_r($http_response_header);print'</pre>';                     print'<pre>[';print_r($response);print']</pre>';             }                                              if (!is_object(json_decode($response))){                     // content supplied not json - return                     return $response;                                     } else {                     $response = json_decode($response);             }                                      return $this->pobj->convertobjecttoarray($response);                                                     }                 

the reason problems are:

1) version of twitter api should not included 2) post missing oauth_verifier in signature

thanks twitteroauth providing guiding light.


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