wireless - Adding obstacle between the turtles -

i new netlogo environment , trying develop model wireless communication. came across 1 problem have block communication between 2 nodes( turtles) in such way if keep obstacle in between 2 nodes ( patch color or that), transmitting node should scan obstacle , reports end procedure. went through line of sight model , obstacle avoidance model in netlogo community of little me. node supposed scan obstacle not in range of 1 patch ahead whole distance between , other node. ideas or primitives suitable problem of great me. hope have made clear , sorry english :)

best regards

that's not efficient solution, assuming have following breeds:

breed [ obstacles obstacle ] breed [ nodes node ] 

you can use following reporter:

to-report can-see? [ target ]   let result false   hatch 1 [     face target     fd 0.1     set result ifelse-value (any? turtles-here [ self = target ])       [ true ]       [ ifelse-value (any? obstacles-here)         [ false ]         [ can-see? target ]       ]     die   ]   report result end 

it works hatching whole series of temporary nodes in direction of target. if node along way encounters obstacle returns false. if reaches target, returns true. temporary nodes created recursively until result obtained.

you might want adjust "step size" (fd 0.1 in example): greater step size more miss corner of obstacle, faster.

you want make sure use tick based updates instead of continuous updates, or slow.

here example creates links between nodes can see each other:

to setup   ca   ask n-of 100 patches [     sprout-obstacles 1 [       set color red       set shape "square"     ]   ]   ask n-of 50 patches [ not any? obstacles-here ] [      sprout-nodes 1 [       set color yellow       set shape "circle"       let targets other nodes       create-links-with targets [ can-see? myself ]     ]   ] end 

if want use patches instead of turtles obstacles, can modify easily.


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