jquery cookies in edge animate -

so in regular html5 page in ie can following jquery code work:

       $.cookie('mycookiex',cookiexcounter,{expires:7,path:'/'});         $.cookie('mycookiey',cookieycounter,{expires:7,path:'/'});           console.log($.cookie('mycookiex')); 

but can't code work in edgeactions.js file... tried changing syntax (since when use jquery in edge before i've had change things example:

       $('#bluecar').animate({          left:cararrayx[cararrayxcounter] + "px",          top:cararrayy[cararrayycounter] + "px"          }); ' 


       sym.$('bluecar').animate({         left:myvariablex + "px",         top:myvariabley + "px"          }); 

but can't figure out cookies in edge jquery them workign... it's probaby syntax thing think of this:

      sym. $.cookie('mycookiex',cookiexcounter,{expires:7,path:'/'});        sym. $.cookie('mycookiey',cookieycounter,{expires:7,path:'/'});           console.log($.cookie('mycookiex')); 

--------------------------> , of course doesn't work..

please provide thoughts...

i never able plugin jquery-cookies.js work edge animate, should have been simplest cache:

//jquery cookies not working in edge animate:                                         //  $.cookie('mycookiex',btnarrayx,{expires:7,path:'/'});                                                                                 // $.cookie('mycookiey',btnarrayy,{expires:7,path:'/'});                                          //console.log($.cookie('mycookiex')); 

but did javascript (taken user on stackoverflow) work edge animate:

//set cookie                                             function createcookie(name,value,days) {                                                 if (days) {                                                     var date = new date();                                                     date.settime(date.gettime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));                                                     var expires = "; expires="+date.togmtstring();                                                 }                                                 else var expires = "";                                                 document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";                                             }                                              createcookie('ppkcookie',btnarrayx,7);  //read cookie                                                  function readcookie(name) {                                                     var nameeq = name + "=";                                                     var ca = document.cookie.split(';');                                                     for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {                                                         var c = ca[i];                                                         while (c.charat(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);                                                         if (c.indexof(nameeq) == 0) return c.substring(nameeq.length,c.length);                                                     }                                                     return null;                                                 }                                              var yaycookie = readcookie('ppkcookie');                                             console.log('yaycookie' + yaycookie); 

so, guess trying read/set cookie in edge animate... it's still possible jquery plugin, don't know correct syntax make edge animate compatible.. news straight javascript (although longer) works fine :)


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