inno setup - use a var in [RUN] section -

i wish read var value in [run] section, kets code -

[setup]  [files] source: "myprog.exe"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion  [run] filename: "{app}\myprog.exe"; description: ""; parameters:"/setid=sessionidvalue"  [code] var      sessionidvalue: string;  procedure initializewizard();    begin      sessionidvalue:= 'test';      end; 

is possible pass sessionidvalue value parameters:"/setid=sessionidvalue"

10x help

you can write scripted {code:...} constant getter function bridge [code] section scripting sections, e.g.:

[run] filename: "{app}\myprog.exe"; parameters: "{code:getsessionid}"  [code] var   sessionid: string;  function getsessionid(param: string): string; begin   result := sessionid; end; 


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