How would I free memory allocated to a pointer in C? -

i have function in c adds new question head of singly linked list:

int addquestion() {     unsigned int acount = 0;     question* tempquestion = malloc(sizeof(question));      tempquestion->text = malloc(500);      fflush(stdin);     printf("add new question.\n");     printf("please enter question text below:\n");     fgets(tempquestion->text, 500, stdin);     printf("\n");     fflush(stdin);     printf("how many answers there?: ");     scanf("%u", &tempquestion->numanswers);     fflush(stdin);     tempquestion->answers = malloc(sizeof(answer*) * tempquestion->numanswers);     (acount = 0; acount < tempquestion->numanswers; acount++)     {         tempquestion->answers[acount] = malloc(sizeof(answer));         tempquestion->answers[acount]->content = malloc(250);         printf("enter answer #%d: \n", (acount + 1));         fgets(tempquestion->answers[acount]->content, 250, stdin);         fflush(stdin);         printf("is correct or wrong? correct = 1, wrong = 0: ");         scanf("%u", &tempquestion->answers[acount]->status);         fflush(stdin);     }      tempquestion->pnext = exam.phead;     exam.phead = tempquestion;      printf("\n");     fflush(stdin);      return 1; } 

as can see, using malloc() allocate space need new question. however, if try call free() on tempquestion, removes question exam. not want remove question unless question deleted or program terminates.

i have cleanup function supposed free() used memory, not free tempquestion in addquestion() function.

void cleanup() {     unsigned int = 0;     question* tempquestion = null;      if (exam.phead != null) {         while (exam.phead->pnext != null) {             tempquestion = exam.phead;             exam.phead = tempquestion->pnext;             (i = 0; < tempquestion->numanswers; i++) {                 free(tempquestion->answers[i]->content);                 free(tempquestion->answers[i]);             }             free(tempquestion->pnext);             free(tempquestion->text);             free(tempquestion);         }         free(exam.phead);     } } 

how free() tempquestion in addquestion() function frees memory when execution ends? i'm using visual studio c++ 2012 have write using c syntax (no c++). new c programming well. thanks!

to answer question: don't. should not call free(tempquestion) in addquestion function, because free memory allocated.

when assign pointer pointer, it's pointer copied, not points to.


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