c++ - tinyxml load fails after using GetOpenFileName to retrieve xml filename -

i using tinyxml 1 before implemented function getopenfilename in code, know load works whenever give relative path or absolute path.

i don't understand why doesn't work whenever function getopenfilename executes first. tried few times test , every time executed function, regardless of whether used filepath gave me or not, tinyxml still wouldn't find xml.

std::string tutname = gettutorialfilename();  if(tutname != "") {     std::cout << "before replacing: " << tutname << std::endl;      boost::replace_all(tutname, "\\", "/");      bool loadtutorial = tutorial->loadtutorialsteps(tutname);      if(loadtutorial) {         std::cout << "success!" << std::endl;     } else {         std::cout << "failed: " << tutname << "to load" << std::endl;     } } 

the function gettutorialfilename, uses getopenfilename:

std::string gettutorialfilename() { openfilename ofn;       // common dialog box structure char szfile[260];       // buffer file name hwnd hwnd;              // owner window handle hf;              // file handle  // initialize openfilename zeromemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lstructsize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndowner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrfile = szfile; // set lpstrfile[0] '\0' getopenfilename not  // use contents of szfile initialize itself. ofn.lpstrfile[0] = '\0'; ofn.nmaxfile = sizeof(szfile); ofn.lpstrfilter = "xml\0*.xml*\0all\0*.*\0"; ofn.nfilterindex = 1; ofn.lpstrfiletitle = null; ofn.nmaxfiletitle = 0; ofn.lpstrinitialdir = null; ofn.flags = ofn_pathmustexist | ofn_filemustexist;  // display open dialog box.   if (getopenfilename(&ofn)==true) {     hf = createfile(ofn.lpstrfile,                      generic_read,                     0,                     (lpsecurity_attributes) null,                     open_existing,                     file_attribute_normal,                     (handle) null);      std::string tutorialfilename(szfile);      return tutorialfilename; }  return ""; 


i know finds tutorialfilename no spaces i've ran debugger on that, still can't understand why tinyxml fails load.

i figured out issue. tinyxml outputting error 13 - permission denied due createfile blocking access file. deleted function because don't need it.


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