oop - Domain Model for Simple Use case -

i trying learn domain modeling , lets consider shopping cart example.lets user can browse catalog of products , add products shopping cart, purchase products.to purchase products place order.user can trace order details.he can call customer rep know status of order.

please validate domain model in full scope.

below domain model have designed , having issues in representing order , order status right way how link product , order.

enter image description here

a (conceptual) domain model solution-independent description of problem domain produced in analysis phase of software engineering project. may consist of information models (typically in form of uml class diagrams), process models (typically in form of bpmn diagrams), , possibly other types of models.

a domain class model contains conceptual elements, such properties (possibly without datatypes) , associations. not specify visibility of properties , methods, visibility platform-specific concept.

your model incomplete in many respects (e.g. not describe order lines/details, taken cart), , not contain association. clearly, order associated 1 customer , many items/products (via order lines).

orderstatus should modeled enumeration, uml datatype stereotyped <>, , order should have status attribute enumeration range.

the model below may bit more general had in mind, because allows several warehouses order item can sourced, , distinguishes between private , corporate customers.

enter image description here


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