shell - parsing a list file (awk/bash) -

what i'm going creating csv file out of parsed list.

[input.txt]  list of gadgets. version: 11 created by: jayfour  1  toy    no    ordered   2  box    no    ordered   3  spade  yes   in_stock   4  nail   yes   in_stock   5  chair  no    ordered 6  table  yes   in_stock 7  apple  no    ordered 9  phone  yes   in_stock  # generated 2014 

now created script, should 'awk' , create me csv file this:

[output.csv]  | id  |  item  |  status  |  stock     |   |  3  |  spade |  yes     |  in_stock  |   |  4  |  nail  |  yes     |  in_stock  | |  6  |  table |  yes     |  in_stock  | |  9  |  phone |  yes     |  in_stock  | 

"|" represents table borders.


#!/bin/bash  ifiles=`ls input.txt`  ifile in $ifiles   echo "id;item;status;stock\r" > output.csv   id=`awk '/yes/' $ifiles | awk {'print $1'}`   itm=`awk '/yes/' $ifiles | awk {'print $2'}`   stat=`awk '/yes/' $ifiles | awk {'print $3'}`   stck=`awk '/yes/' $ifiles | awk {'print $4'}`   echo "$id;$itm;$stat;$stck\r" >> output.csv done 

as can imagine, did not work way. got issues breaks within csv (maybe caused faulty read-in/parsing input-file line line.

well - how fix? :)

this achieve wish:

cat input.txt | awk 'begin { print "id;item;status;stock" }; /yes/ { printf "%s;%s;%s;%s\n", $1,$2,$3,$4 }'

to placed inside loop of course.

explanation: start printing header (begin block) each line whith yes, print each field separated ';'

there's more elegant way in awk, less easy understand @ first.

i.e: cat input.txt | awk 'begin { ofs=";"; print "id","item","status","stock" }; /yes/ { print $1,$2,$3,$4 }'

here let awk manage output giving him output field separator (ofs) within begin block;

output is:

id;item;status;stock 3;spade;yes;in_stock 4;nail;yes;in_stock 6;table;yes;in_stock 9;phone;yes;in_stock 

edit completeness: bash become:

#!/bin/bash  ifiles=`ls input.txt` echo "id;item;status;stock\r" > output.csv  ifile in $ifiles         cat $ifile | awk 'begin { ofs=";"}; /yes/ { print $1,$2,$3,$4 }' >> output.csv done 

as may not want repeat header, done before loop , not anymore in awk part.


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