c# - How can I stop Entity Framework caching my data? -

before marks duplicate answer, please read carefully, haven't yet found question deals scenario...

i'm developing asp.net mvc application in vs2013 uses ef6. below refers debugging sessions, not deployed instances. on dev machine via vs , sql server 2008 r2 management studio.

the mvc project has injected (using ninject) instances of business logic layers, , these in turn have injected repositories. repositories query database via ef.

i added data database directly (ie ssms, not via code in application), , showed on web site correctly. modified data, again via ssms, , time web site showed duplicate entries, know definite there aren't any.

i know context caching, stopped debug run , pressed f5 again in visual studio, thinking destroy context , create new 1 in new debugging session - duplicate data still shown.

hmm, restarted vs, kill off context , web servers running, , tried again - duplicate data still shown.

hmm, let's try restarting sql server - same problem (not expected work, out of ideas now).

so i'm baffled. understand how , why ef context caches data, how survive vs being restarted? haven't yet restarted machine, other that, don't seem able clear cache.

anyone ideas?


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