Openlayers import features to geoserver catalog -

i have simple feature collection returned execution of vec:unionfeaturecollection wps process. need import these features geoserver catalog, means need assign them store , workspace. have tried gs:import wps process, close have come fails without exception. using openlayers. here code using:

wpsclient1.execute({     server:'local',     process:'gs:import',     inputs:{         features:featurecollection,         coverage:'',         workspace:'workspace1',         store:'analysis',         name:layername,         srs:new openlayers.projection('epsg:4326')     },     success:function(layername1){         localstorage.setitem("layername",json.stringify(layername1));         window.location.reload();     } }); 

i have tried chaining processes shown below still nothing.

var union = wpsclient.getprocess('local','gs:unionfeaturecollection'); var catalogimport = wpsclient.getprocess('local','gs:import');  //start union union.configure({    inputs:{        first:features1,        second:features2    } }); catalogimport.execute({    inputs:{        features:union.output('result'),        workspace:'workspace1',        store:'analysis1',        name:layername,        srs:new openlayers.projection('epsg:4326')    },     success:function(output){         localstorage.setitem("layername",json.stringify(output));         window.location.reload();     } }) 


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