linux - ffmpeg to convert .avi, .mp4, .mp3, .flv, .mkv to mp4 -

i searching script contains of attributes title.

i have done 1 simple 1 attribute far , not want 1 script each of attributes not confused.

like this, running script 10 minutes see if there file consist .flv , automatic doing convert file mp4 attribute.

#!/bin/bash # convert flv mp4 ext=.mp4 file in *.flv; currmov=$file$ext ffmpeg -r 15  -i $file  -b 296k -s 640x320 -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec aac $currmov done 

thanks help! /m

for extensions:

for file in *.{flv,avi,mp3,mkv};         target="${file%.*}.mp4"         [[ -f "$target" ]] && { echo "skipping $file - $target exists" ; continue; }         echo ffmpeg -r 15  -i "$file"  -b 296k -s 640x320 -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec aac "$target" done 

remove echo before ffmpeg if satisfied


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