python - Does numpy.all_close check for shape for the array like elements being compared -

its not clear documentation whether numpy.all_close check shape.

the code allclose is:

def allclose(a, b, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8):     # doc...     x = array(a, copy=false, ndmin=1)     y = array(b, copy=false, ndmin=1)     # special handling of 'inf'...     errstate(invalid='ignore'):         r = all(less_equal(abs(x-y), atol + rtol * abs(y)))      return r 

notice insures inputs arrays (with @ least 1 dim). that's why works nested lists.

secondly core action x-y. checks absolute difference terms small. if can broadcast arrays math, can compare arrays. it's subtraction issues broadcasting valueerror.


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