python - Function sequence error in PYODBC -

i using pyodbc connect database , extract data it.

here code:

con = pyodbc.connect("driver={sql server};server= myserver;database= mydatabase;trusted_connection=true")   cursor = con.cursor()  sql_command = """                       select rowid = isnull                       (                           (                               select top 1 rowid                               [mydatabase].[admin].[mytable]                                [queue] = ? , processed null                           )                           ,-1                       )                   """  cursor.execute(sql_command, queuenumber)  cursor.commit()  con.commit()  result_set = cursor.fetchall() 

and got following error after run above code:

pyodbc.error: ('hy010', '[hy010] [microsoft][odbc sql server driver]function sequence error (0) (sqlfetch)')

may know caused such problem, , how can fix it?


i believe problem strange commit statements. need commit when inserting or updating records not selecting.

cursor.execute(sql_command, queuenumber) result_set = cursor.fetchall() 

also, in future when using commit, both cursor.commit , con.commit same thing, need one.

finally, i'd used calling execute second arguement tuple:

cursor.execute(sql_command, (queuenumber,)) 

the way have works pyodbc not db api standard.


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