ios - Using Storyboard Segues with Segmented Control -

i have segmented control i'm using switch between 3 view controllers. first tableview embedded in navigation controller segmented control in navigation controller. have 2 custom segues in storyboard (with animations coming left , right). in "main" controller class - middle of segmented control - use code

- (ibaction)indexchanged:(id)sender {     if ([sender selectedsegmentindex] == 0) {         [self performseguewithidentifier:@"leftsegue" sender:self];     }     else if ([sender selectedsegmentindex] == 1){     }     else {         [self performseguewithidentifier:@"rightsegue" sender:self];     } } 

this works great 2 controllers. when view controllers put on screen, can still move between far left , right controllers, going main controllers crashing under each attempt i've tried. think has me not understanding either self i'm sending performseguewithidentifier message or self i'm passing sender:.

example: if in else if ([sender selectedsegmentindex] == 1){} create new segue, unique identifier coming either of 2 new controllers, application crashes saying "receiver has no segue identifier" when spelled correctly. receiver in example?

edit: i've added current storyboard pictures here. top 2 custom segues, , middle 2 modal , push, specific requirements.

edit2: using methods self.navigationcontroller.viewcontrollers[0] finds correct view, doesn't allow me switch initial controller- redraws loses navigation bar.

in xcode, add "exception breakpoint" in "breakpoint navigator" view. launch app, , try reduce crash. xcode should stops on instruction causing crash. when you're stopped, try type po self in debug area, classes receiver, might understand what's happening...


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