objective c - SKScene's update method gets a "currentTime" that is different from CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() -

the problem can reproduced in freshly created spritekit project.

after creating new project, add 2 lines update: method of myscene class:

-(void)update:(cftimeinterval)currenttime {     nslog(@"               currenttime = %f", currenttime);     nslog(@"cfabsolutetimegetcurrent() = %f", cfabsolutetimegetcurrent()); } 

running shows currenttime several orders of magnitude smaller time returned cfabsolutetimegetcurrent(). searched possible reasons, found none. possibility think of currenttime time frame since other date 00:00:00 01.01.2000, have no idea other reference point using, , found nothing when searching online either.

what can current time, calculated same rules used calculate currenttime?

nothing, unless you're willing disassemble , understand sprite kit framework code.

though problem explained sprite kit taking cfabsolutetimegetcurrent @ earlier point in time, passed update: method. overhead of sending message scene means 2 times can't same. or currenttime may not obtained cfabsolutetimegetcurrent other means.

what can currenttime of first time update: runs , store in ivar. can use time reference time scene.


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