ngresource - How to pass headers on the fly to $resource for angularjs -

right now, way know setting tokens in headers dynamically angularjs call via $http so:

return $http.get({   url: '',   params: {     'jokeid': '5',   },   headers: {     'authorization': 'bearer '+ $scope.myoauthtoken   } }); 

but want figure out how pass via $resource, here's pseudo-code doesn't work:

... .factory('myfactory',   ['$resource',     function($resource){       return {         jokes: $resource('', null, {           query: {             method: 'get'           }         })       };     }   ] ); ... return myfactory.jokes.query({   'jokeid': '5',   'headers': {     'authorization': 'bearer '+ $scope.myoauthtoken   } }); 

how can pass headers on fly $resource angularjs?

i don't think can done way trying, config object not available on action method. action config method has it. can is, rather returning resource directly, create function takes parameter auth token , construct resource , return.

return {     jokes: function (token) {         return $resource('', null, {             query: {                 method: 'get'                 headers: {                     'authorization': 'bearer ' + token                 }             }         })     } }; 

then call service function

myfactory.jokes($scope.myoauthtoken).query({'jokeid': '5'}); 


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