c# - Properly using parameterized Factory.Create() method using DI -

my factory using method injection because thought best way make far. besides, doubt thing after having call on create method within dependent object.

the way might think of whilst continuing use parameterized factory create method, inject dependencies directly in mainpresenter may provide dependencies method, , dislike it. dislike because not mainpresenter depends on icustomermanagementview , icustomerdetailpresenterfactory, it's dependency. feel i'm sabotaging own code doing so.


public class mainpresenter : presenter<imainview>, imainviewuihandler {     public mainpresenter(imainview view         , icustomermanagementpresenterfactory customermanagementfactory)          : base(view) {         this.customermanagementpresenterfactory = customermanagementpresenterfactory;     }      public void managecustomers() {         // following line causing trouble.         // can see per icustomermanagementpresenterfactory code sample,         // create() method takes 2 parameters:          //   1. icustomermanagementview, ,         //   2. icustomerdetailpresenterfactory          // hence have provide dependencies manually, guess.         // avoid @ cost.                     var customermanagementpresenter = customermanagementpresenterfactory.create();         customermanagementpresenter.showview();     } } 


public interface icustomermanagementpresenterfactory {     // here. though ask ninject inject dependencies, need     // provide values parameters when calling method within     // mainpresenter class. compiler won't let me otherwise! ,     // makes sense!...     [inject]     customermanagementpresenter create(icustomermanagementview view                                      , icustomerdetailpresenterfactory factory); } 


public interface imainview : iview, ihasuihandler<imainviewuihandler> { } 


public interface imainviewuihandler : iuihandler {     void managecustomers(); } 


public interface iuihandler {  } 


public interface ihasuihandler<h> h : iuihandler {     h handler { set; } } 


public partial class mainform : form, imainview {     public mainform() { initializecomponent(); }      public imainviewuihandler handler { private { return handler; } set { sethandler(value); } } } 


public class compositionroot {     private compositionroot() { }      public static ikernel buildobjectgraph() {         ikernel kernel = new standardkernel();         bindfactories(kernel);         bindviews(kernel);     }      private static void bindfactories(ikernel kernel) {         kernel.bind(services => services             .from(appdomain.currentdomain                 .getassemblies()                 .where(a => !a.fullname.contains("tests")))             .selectallinterfaces()             .endingwith("factory")             .bindtofactory()         );     }      private static void bindviews(ikernel kernel) {         kernel.bind(services => services             .from(appdomain.currentdomain                 .getassemblies()                 .where(a => a.fullname.contains("windows")                          && !a.fullname.contains("tests"))             .selectallclasses()             .endingwith("form")             .bindselection((type, basetype) => type                 .getinterfaces()                 .where(iface => iface.name.endswith("view"))             )         );     } } 

so wonder, best implement icustomermanagementpresenterfactory , bind implementer within compositionroot, provide dependencies through constructor injection create method shall no longer take arguments, or shall make otherwise?

what of writing simple interface ninject me factory, , no code necessary build instance of desired type. besides, when constructor of class created uses constructor injection, seems impossible have simple factory interface bound factory, , 1 need implement factory interface hand.

what did right/wrong?

as matter of fact don't need pass parameters factory create method @ - except in case parameters need passed "down" because cannot bound in composition root (for example input value). however, passing such parameters constructors code smell. mostly, it's better idea pass these parameters methods instead of constructors (for example: adder.add(5,3);, not new adder(5, 3).computeresult();.

now consider following example, works fine:

public class dependency1 { }  public interface idependency2 { } public class dependency2 : idependency2 { }  public interface ibar { }  public class bar : ibar {     public bar(dependency1 d1, idependency2 d2) { } }  public interface ibarfactory  {     ibar create();    }   var kernel = new standardkernel(); kernel.bind<ibarfactory>().tofactory(); kernel.bind<ibar>().to<bar>(); kernel.bind<dependency1>().toself(); kernel.bind<idependency2>().to<dependency2>();  var factory = kernel.get<ibarfactory>(); var bar = factory.create();  bar.should().beoftype<bar>(); 

even though bar takes 2 constructor arguments, generated ibarfactory's create() method not specify so. no problem, ninject resolve automatically.

now let me give example .tofactory() results in. consider factory:

public interface isomefactory {     isomething create(string parameter1); } 

will result in (remark: it's realised interceptors , not weaving it, example simplificiation):

public class somefactory : isomefactory {     private readonly iresolutionroot resolutionroot;      public somefactory(iresolutionroot resolutionroot)     {         this.resolutionroot = resolutionroot;     }      public isomething create(string parameter1)     {         this.resolutionroot.get<isomething>(new constructorargument("parameter1", parameter1);     } } 

the constructorargument tells ninject pass value of parameter1 ctor-parameter named "parameter".

all other parameters resolved "as usual". if constructor parameter cannot resolved (neither passed parameter nor bound) ninject throw exception stating parameter cannot resolved.


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