c++ - From Makefile to Cmake -

because of clion release i'd move make cmake. have source folder bunch of .cpp , .hpp files , main.cpp uses classes source above - far had easy makefile compile, link , make exec out of main.cpp:

c_objs := $(shell find source/*/ -name '*.cpp') sources=source/main.cpp $(c_objs) objects=$(sources:.cpp=.o) executable=bin/main  $(executable_t): $(objects_t)  $(cc) $(ldflags) $(objects_t) -o $@  $(executable): $(objects)  $(cc) $(ldflags) $(objects) -o $@  %.o: %.cpp  $(cc) $(cflags) $< -c -o $@  all: $(executable) 

in cmake came that:

cmake_minimum_required(version 2.8.4) project(main)  #grab file need compile file(glob src     "source/*.h"     "source/*.hpp"     "source/*.cpp" )  #compile .o files need add_library( mylib ${src} )  set(source_files source/main.cpp)  #compile .o main.cpp add_executable( main ${source_files} )  #link them target_link_libraries( main mylib ) 

but keep getting "undefined reference to" classes @ linking , judging compilation time feels not compiled. help? :)


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