r - dcast with empty left-hand side in formula -

i'm having problems using dcast withoud "id" variables. expected result transposition -- creating 1-row data frame many columns there rows in original data frame.

i've tried different approaches, "hacks" seem work now. before filing bug, wanted double-check if i'm missing something.

d <- data.frame(variable=letters[1:3], value=1:3) d  ##   variable value ## 1            1 ## 2        b     2 ## 3        c     3  reshape2::dcast(d, ...~variable)  ##   . b c ## 1 . 1 2 3  reshape2::dcast(d, .~variable)  ##   . b c ## 1 . 1 2 3  reshape2::dcast(d, ~variable)  ## error: subscript out of bounds  reshape2::dcast(d, 0~variable)  ##   0 b c ## 1 0 1 2 3  sessioninfo()  ## r version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) ## platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) ##  ## locale: ##  [1] lc_ctype=en_us.utf-8       lc_numeric=c               ##  [3] lc_time=en_us.utf-8        lc_collate=en_us.utf-8     ##  [5] lc_monetary=en_us.utf-8    lc_messages=en_us.utf-8    ##  [7] lc_paper=en_us.utf-8       lc_name=c                  ##  [9] lc_address=c               lc_telephone=c             ## [11] lc_measurement=en_us.utf-8 lc_identification=c        ##  ## attached base packages: ## [1] stats     graphics  grdevices utils     datasets  base      ##  ## loaded via namespace (and not attached): ##  [1] evaluate_0.5.6 formatr_1.0    knitr_1.6.18   methods_3.1.1  ##  [5] plyr_1.8.1     rcpp_0.11.2    reshape2_1.4   stringr_0.6.2  ##  [9] tools_3.1.1    ulimit_0.0-2 

what doing wrong? why dcast creating odd , useless . column when using ...~variable or .~variable formula?


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