Get all windows of a process in powershell -

i want list windows of process, word. gives me main window:

get-process winword |where {$_.mainwindowtitle} |format-table id,name,mainwindowtitle –autosize 

i want list document1 here.

id name mainwindowtitle

1616 winword document2 - microsoft word

is there way access windows other main one?

thanks bacon bits suggestion managed find solution, if have less cumbersome this, please share:

<#  .synopsis  enumerieren der vorhandenen fenster #>  $typedef = @"  using system; using system.text; using system.collections.generic; using system.runtime.interopservices;  namespace api {   public class winstruct  {    public string wintitle {get; set; }    public int winhwnd { get; set; }  }   public class apidef  {    private delegate bool callbackptr(int hwnd, int lparam);    private static callbackptr callbackptr = callback;    private static list<winstruct> _winstructlist = new list<winstruct>();     [dllimport("user32.dll")]    [return: marshalas(unmanagedtype.bool)]    private static extern bool enumwindows(callbackptr lpenumfunc, intptr lparam);     [dllimport("user32.dll", charset =, setlasterror = true)]    static extern int getwindowtext(intptr hwnd, stringbuilder lpstring, int nmaxcount);     private static bool callback(int hwnd, int lparam)    {        stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(256);        int res = getwindowtext((intptr)hwnd, sb, 256);       _winstructlist.add(new winstruct { winhwnd = hwnd, wintitle = sb.tostring() });        return true;    }        public static list<winstruct> getwindows()    {       _winstructlist = new list<winstruct>();       enumwindows(callbackptr,;       return _winstructlist;    }   } } "@  add-type -typedefinition $typedef -language csharpversion3  [api.apidef]::getwindows() | where-object { $_.wintitle -like "*word" } | sort-object -property wintitle | select-object wintitle,@{name="handle"; expression={"{0:x0}" -f $_.winhwnd}} 


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