xaml - windows phone 8 longlistselector loop through all childs -

in app, have longlistselector , set "datacontext = list" in event phoneapplicationpage_loaded. inside longlistselector, have code:

<datatemplate>     <stackpanel margin="5,10" >         <border borderthickness="1" cornerradius="5">             <grid margin="10,8" tap="grid_tap_1" x:name="gridpasta" tag="{binding id_pasta}">                 <grid.columndefinitions>                     <columndefinition width="*"/>                     <columndefinition width="60"/>                 </grid.columndefinitions>                 <textblock foreground="black" horizontalalignment="stretch" text="{binding nm_pasta}" grid.column="0" textwrapping="wrap" verticalalignment="top" texttrimming="wordellipsis" fontsize="24"/>                 <border background="#e3f4ff" grid.column="1" cornerradius="100">                     <textblock foreground="black" text="{binding qtde_pasta}"  horizontalalignment="center" textwrapping="wrap" verticalalignment="top" fontsize="20"/>                 </border>             </grid>         </border>     </stackpanel> </datatemplate> 

i want set background color of specific grid after fill lls. have search on internet access lls childs, but, nothing works. have tried link (loop through longlistselector checkbox in itemtemplate), "searchelement" not find specific grid.

my question is, how can access specific grid after fill lls?

note: specific grid known comparing "id_pasta" of grid.

thanks help.

you add simple bool property (and implement propertychanged) class you're using datatemplate, bind background grid , use converter convert desired backgroundcolor if true or false.


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