When trying to fetch Google Calendars in iOS, console shows weird api#channel conflicts. How to solve? -

i trying build app fetch google calendar information such calendars, events etc running big problem.

this code:

#define googleclientid    @"client id" #define googleclientsecret @"secret" #define googleauthurl   @"https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth" #define googletokenurl  @"https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token"  nsstring *const kkeychainitemname = @"calendar panel: google calendar";  - (instancetype)initwithviewcontroller: (uiviewcontroller*) viewcontroller; {     self = [super init];     if (self) {         _viewcontroller = viewcontroller;      }     return self; }  - (bool)issignedin {     nsstring *name = [self signedinusername];     return (name != nil); }  - (nsstring *)signedinusername {     // email address of signed-in user     gtmoauth2authentication *auth = self.calendarservice.authorizer;     bool issignedin = auth.canauthorize;     if (issignedin) {         return auth.useremail;     } else {         return nil;     } }  - (gtmoauth2authentication * )authforgoogle {     //this url defined individual 3rd party apis, sure read documentation      nsurl * tokenurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:googletokenurl];     // we'll make arbitrary redirecturi.  controller watch     // server redirect web view uri, uri not     // loaded, need not actual web page. needs match uri set     // redirect uri when configuring app instagram.     nsstring * redirecturi = @"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";     gtmoauth2authentication * auth;      auth = [gtmoauth2authentication authenticationwithserviceprovider:@"lifebeat"                                                              tokenurl:tokenurl                                                           redirecturi:redirecturi                                                              clientid:googleclientid                                                          clientsecret:googleclientsecret];     auth.scope = @"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile";     return auth; }   - (void)signintogoogle {     if (![self issignedin]) {          gtmoauth2authentication * auth = [self authforgoogle];           // display authentication view         gtmoauth2viewcontrollertouch * viewcontroller = [[gtmoauth2viewcontrollertouch alloc] initwithauthentication:auth                                                                                                     authorizationurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:googleauthurl]                                                                                                     keychainitemname:@"googlekeychainname"                                                                                                             delegate:self                                                                                                     finishedselector:@selector(viewcontroller:finishedwithauth:error:)];         [[self.viewcontroller navigationcontroller] pushviewcontroller:viewcontroller animated:yes];     } else         nslog(@"something wrong sign in procedure!"); }   - (void)viewcontroller:(gtmoauth2viewcontrollertouch * )viewcontroller       finishedwithauth:(gtmoauth2authentication * )auth                  error:(nserror * )error {     nslog(@"finished");     nslog(@"auth access token: %@", auth.accesstoken);     self.calendarservice.authorizer = auth;      [[self.viewcontroller navigationcontroller] poptoviewcontroller:self.viewcontroller animated:no];     if (error != nil) {         uialertview * alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"error authorizing google"                                                          message:[error localizeddescription]                                                         delegate:nil                                                cancelbuttontitle:@"ok"                                                otherbuttontitles:nil];         [alert show];     } else {          uialertview * alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"success authorizing google"                                                          message:[error localizeddescription]                                                         delegate:nil                                                cancelbuttontitle:@"ok"                                                otherbuttontitles:nil];         [alert show];     } }  - (void)fetchcalendarlist {     self.calendarlist = nil;     self.calendarlistfetcherror = nil;      gtlservicecalendar *service = self.calendarservice;       gtlquerycalendar *query = [gtlquerycalendar queryforcalendarlistlist];      self.calendarlistticket = [service executequery:query                                   completionhandler:^(gtlserviceticket *ticket,                                                       id calendarlist, nserror *error) {                                       // callback                                       self.calendarlist = calendarlist;                                       self.calendarlistfetcherror = error;                                       self.calendarlistticket = nil;                                        nslog(@"fetched number of calendars: %@", self.calendarlist);                                       //[self updateui];                                   }];      //[self updateui]; }  - (gtlservicecalendar *)calendarservice {     static gtlservicecalendar *service = nil;      if (!service) {         service = [[gtlservicecalendar alloc] init];          // have service object set tickets fetch consecutive pages         // of feed not need manually fetch them         service.shouldfetchnextpages = yes;          // have service object set tickets retry temporary error conditions         // automatically         service.retryenabled = yes;     }     return service; }  @end 

this console output:

2014-09-10 23:57:53.603 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtldrivechannel (api#channel) registration conflicts gtlcalendarchannel 2014-09-10 23:57:53.607 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusdomainsacl (plus#acl) registration conflicts gtlplusacl 2014-09-10 23:57:53.607 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusdomainsactivity (plus#activity) registration conflicts gtlplusactivity 2014-09-10 23:57:53.608 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusdomainsactivityfeed (plus#activityfeed) registration conflicts gtlplusactivityfeed 2014-09-10 23:57:53.608 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusdomainscomment (plus#comment) registration conflicts gtlpluscomment 2014-09-10 23:57:53.609 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusdomainscommentfeed (plus#commentfeed) registration conflicts gtlpluscommentfeed 2014-09-10 23:57:53.609 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlpluspeoplefeed (plus#peoplefeed) registration conflicts gtlplusdomainspeoplefeed 2014-09-10 23:57:53.610 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusperson (plus#person) registration conflicts gtlplusdomainsperson 2014-09-10 23:57:53.610 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlplusplace (plus#place) registration conflicts gtlplusdomainsplace 2014-09-10 23:57:53.613 calendarpanel[24383:60b] gtlstoragechannel (api#channel) registration conflicts gtldrivechannel 2014-09-10 23:57:53.986 calendarpanel[24383:60b] fetched number of calendars: (null) 

my 2 questions is: 1. how can rid of these conflicts? 2. code ok want do? (fetch calendars user) think using gdata classes tricky , there limited/or outdated information out there.

instead of installing entire pod try use subpods

pod 'google-api-client/calendar', '~> 1.0' 

or whichever need

pod 'google-api-client/drive', '~> 1.0' 


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