visual studio - Possible to store build configuration in a file other than solution file? -

i work solution has lot of projects in it. created new build configuration speed working it.

to speed compiling, set of projects not build in new build configuration. speed debugging, set of projects build release in new build configuration.

this great, until have check in change project file, or latest else's changes project file. painful merge changes, or shelve , unshelve them constantly.

is possible store build configuration in separate file? ideas workarounds welcome.

to answer question directly: no cannot store config in seperate file. unless seperate files solution file of course. there workarounds, stored locally on machine (too long comment i'm posting answer anyway):

i set of projects not build in new build configuration

  • just build them once, unload projects not built again. these settings stored in .suo file.
  • if insist on keeping seperate build configuration: ask team if it's ok push source control, maybe others can benefit well?
  • or write script transfrom original solution file 1 having our build config. can simple applying patch, should keep up-to-date

to speed debugging, set of projects build release

  • write script delete pdb files of projects
  • for c++: add namespaces of projects natstepfilter file


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