php - MYSQL Group By same id? -

i have following 2 tables :

table 1: user

   id   s_id   first_name   last_name    ----------------------------------    1     2     test          test    2     2     hello         test    3     2               hello    4     1     john          smith 

table 2: section

   id    section_name   -------------------    1     first    2     section    3     other section 

based on above 2 tables , write mysql query :

select user table , group them s_id ( same s_id) , how that?

i s_id = 2 grouped array or object controlled s_id? loop through s_ids , print out first , last name?

here example of output:

$sections = array['my section'](array('first_name'=>'test' ,  'last_name'=>'test'),                                 array('first_name'=>'hello' ,  'last_name'=>'test'),                                 array('first_name'=>' now' ,  'last_name'=>'hello')) 


if need users s_id = 2 than:

select * `user` `s_id` = 2 # give 3 users 

otherwise if group s_id you'll 1 user each section, , think don't want that

to show all, have run query :

select user.*, section.section_name `user` inner join section on = user.s_id 

and trick in php:

$query = "     select          user.*,          section.section_name      `user`     inner join section          on = user.s_id ";  $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);  $final_data = array(); while($data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {     $final_data[$data['section_name']][] = $data; }  print($final_data); // see result 


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