Cygwin + WMIC Pagefile Setup -

i've been trying modify pagefile size on drive using cygwin majority or our servers have access cygwin , not straight cmd.

here's overview of trials, note last command successful cannot run requires first type 'cmd' command interactively , cannot done via script (as far get):

administrator@dock ~ $ wmic pagefileset name='d:\\pagefile.sys' set initialsize=10000,maximumsize=20000 error: description = invalid query  administrator@dock ~ $ cmd /c "wmic pagefileset name='d:\\pagefile.sys' set initialsize=10000,maximumsize=20000" error: description = invalid query  administrator@dock ~ $ powershell -c "wmic pagefileset name='d:\\pagefile.sys' set initialsize=10000,maximumsize=20000" invalid format. hint: <assignlist> = <propertyname>=<propertyvalue> [, <assignlist>].  administrator@dock ~ $ cmd microsoft windows [version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 microsoft corporation. rights reserved.  c:\cygwin\home\administrator>wmic pagefileset name='d:\\pagefile.sys' set                                               initialsize=10000,maximumsize=20000 wmic pagefileset name='d:\\pagefile.sys' set initialsize=10000,maximumsize                                                 =20000  updating property(s) of '\\dock\root\"d:\\pagef                                               ile.sys"' property(s) update successful. 

any suggestions on how run command via cygwin , not 'invalid query'?

administrator@darwin-test7-wi ~ $ wmic pagefileset 'name="c:\\pagefile.sys"' delete  deleting instance \\darwin-test7-wi\root\"c:\\pagefile.sys"  instance deletion successful.  administrator@darwin-test7-wi ~ $ wmic pagefileset create name="c:\\pagefile.sys"  instance creation successful.  administrator@darwin-test7-wi ~ $ wmic pagefileset 'name="c:\\pagefile.sys"' set initialsize=512,maximumsize=512  updating property(s) of '\\darwin-test7-wi\root\"c:\\pagefile.sys"'  property(s) update successful. 


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