c# - AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync() returns null after nuget update -

after updating nuget packages of mvc5 application (that has been working correctly until now) authentication manager used verify users facebook login returning null.

i'm developing solution in visual studio 2012 , using latest webtools.

[allowanonymous] public async task<actionresult> externallogincallback(string returnurl) {     var logininfo = await authenticationmanager.getexternallogininfoasync();     if (logininfo == null)     {         return redirecttoaction("login");     } } 

after googling around, have discovered facebook api has been changed, there no solution how nuget pacakages working mvc5 application. please can guide me on how working again.

i have tried following request coming facebook null.


<system.web><authentication mode="none" /></system.web>  <system.webserver><modules><remove name="formsauthentication" /></modules></system.webserver> 


httpcontext.getowincontext().response.cookies.append("owincookie", "somevalue"); httpcontext.response.cookies["aspcookie"].value = "somevalue"; httpcontext.response.cookies.remove("aspcookie"); 

ok. found answer.

i did following working

logon developer portal, locate application , following.

app details > app centered listed platforms > select yes website


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