pipeline - findstr for filename in win7 batch file -

i'm kind of struggling following search. need files misplaced in wrong folders. have following testing structure (in reality hudreds of folders):

c:\test2\john\john_phone.txt c:\test2\mary\john_address.txt c:\test2\mary\mary_address.txt c:\test2\mary\mary_phone.txt c:\test2\mary\peter_address.txt 

the files john_address.txt , peter_address.txt misplaced in mary's folder. want check mary's folder misplaced files , list them in separate log file. example above log contain names (paths) of 2 misplaced files, deciding identifier person's name. have piece of code:

@echo off cls set /p name="specify name: " ::forfiles /p "%cd%\%name%" /s /m *.* /c "cmd /c echo @path">>log.txt forfiles /p "%cd%\%name%" /s /m "| findstr /i /v "\*%name%*"" /c "cmd /c echo @path">>log.txt pause 

the commented line forfiles works (lists files in folder), have issue findstr: error: files of type "| findstr /i /v *mary*" not found. /v switch findstr should find files not contain specified name, i'm doing wrong while using input forfiles. don't want use dir command since lists additional information , need integrate output larger log file (i need path of misplaced file).

any appreciated. thanks.

edit: easier write code if correct file name fixed this?


the stuff before , after name fixed , format of file name correct option, else have reported.

for simple solution

@echo off     setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion      set "rootfolder=c:\test2"      ( /d %%z in ("%rootfolder%\*"       ) %%y in ("%%~fz\*"       ) /f "tokens=1 delims=_" %%a in ("%%~ny"       ) if /i not "%%~nxz"=="%%a" echo %%~fy     ) > log.txt 

this iterate files under each of folders testing if name starts same string folder name.

edited original proposed solution not work intended, so, removed

edited - name of file has not fixed format, , name of folder can in place, can used

@echo off     setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion      set "rootfolder=c:\test2"      rem create temporary file hold patterns match against list      rem of files determine if correctly placed      set "patterns=%temp%\%~nx0.%random%.tmp"     > "%patterns%" (         /d %%a in ("%rootfolder%\*") echo(\\%%~nxa\\[^^\\]*%%~nxa[^^\\]*     )       rem list of files, , filter not match     rem generated patterns      dir /s /b /a-d "%rootfolder%\*" ^         | findstr /r /i /c:"%rootfolder:\=\\%\\[^\\]*\\."  ^         | findstr /r /i /e /v /g:"%patterns%" ^     > log.txt      rem patterns file no longer needed     del "%patterns%" >nul 2>nul 


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