javascript - Meteor : wait until all templates are rendered -

i have following template code

<template name="home">     <div class="mainbox">         <ul class="itemlist">             {{#each this}}                 {{> listitem}}             {{/each}}         </ul>     </div> </template>  <template name="listitem">     <li class="item">         {{username}}     </li> </template> 

and i'd execute code once of "listitem" rendered. there 100 of them. tried following

template.home.rendered = function() {    // called once of 'subviews' rendered? }; 

but doesn't wait until views loaded.

what's best way of knowing when sub-view templates loaded?

this how proceed :


<template name="home">   {{#if itemsready}}     {{> itemslist}}   {{/if}} </template>  <template name="itemslist">   <ul>     {{#each items}}       {{> item}}     {{/each}}   </ul> </template>  <template name="item">   <li>{{value}}</li> </template> 


template.home.helpers({   itemsready:function(){     return meteor.subscribe("items").ready();   } });  template.itemslist.helpers({   items:function(){     return items.find();   } });  template.itemslist.rendered=function(){   // output 100, once   console.log(this.$("li").length); }; 


items=new mongo.collection("items"); 


insertitems=function(){   var range=_.range(100);   _.each(range,function(index){     items.insert({value:"item "+index});   }); };  meteor.publish("items",function(){   return items.find(); }); 


meteor.startup(function(){   items.remove({});   if(items.find().count()===0){     insertitems();   } }); 

we specify want render our list of items when publication ready, time data available , correct number of li elements displayed in list rendered callback.

now same using iron:router waiton feature :


homecontroller=routecontroller.extend({   template:"home",   waiton:function(){     return meteor.subscribe("items");   } }); 


router.configure({   loadingtemplate:"loading" });  router.onbeforeaction("loading");{   this.route("home",{     path:"/",     controller:"homecontroller"   }); }); 


<template name="loading">   <p>loading...</p> </template> 

using iron:router better because solves common pattern elegantly : don't need itemsready helper anymore, home template rendered when waitlist returned waiton globally ready.

one must not forget add both loading template , setup default "loading" hook otherwise won't work.


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