ios - Changing Background Moving Speed -

in gamescene background moving horizontally it's working fine want move background slow , fast according score increasing, proceed way nstimeinterval changing nothing can see change background moving slow , fast going normal, if way wrong me please.

sktexture *backgroundtexture = [sktexture texturewithimagenamed:@"background10"];      nstimeinterval _move;        int _gamescore;     if (_gamescore>=5) {         _move =0.09;     }else{         _move = 0.02;     }      skaction *movbg = [skaction movebyx:-backgroundtexture.size.width*2 y:0 duration:_move*backgroundtexture.size.width];      skaction *resetbg =[skaction movebyx:backgroundtexture.size.width*2 y:0 duration:0];       skaction *movebackgroundforever =[skaction repeatactionforever:[skaction sequence:@[movbg,resetbg]]];     (int i= 0; i<2 + self.frame.size.width/(backgroundtexture.size.width*2 ); ++i) {         skspritenode* sprite = [skspritenode spritenodewithtexture:backgroundtexture];         [sprite setscale:1.0];         sprite.zposition = -20;          sprite.anchorpoint = cgpointzero;         sprite.position = cgpointmake(i* sprite.size.width, 0);         [sprite runaction:movebackgroundforever];         [_bglayer addchild:sprite]; 

try code:

it directly multiply animation time score _move*__gamescore , can provide intalize value _move variable.

sktexture *backgroundtexture = [sktexture texturewithimagenamed:@"background10"];  nstimeinterval _move;   skaction *movbg = [skaction movebyx:-backgroundtexture.size.width*2 y:0 duration:_move*__gamescore];  skaction *resetbg =[skaction movebyx:backgroundtexture.size.width*2 y:0 duration:0];   skaction *movebackgroundforever =[skaction repeatactionforever:[skaction sequence:@[movbg,resetbg]]]; (int i= 0; i<2 + self.frame.size.width/(backgroundtexture.size.width*2 ); ++i) {     skspritenode* sprite = [skspritenode spritenodewithtexture:backgroundtexture];     [sprite setscale:1.0];     sprite.zposition = -20;      sprite.anchorpoint = cgpointzero;     sprite.position = cgpointmake(i* sprite.size.width, 0);     [sprite runaction:movebackgroundforever];     [_bglayer addchild:sprite]; 


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