Spring AMQP/RabbitMQ transaction rollback in EJB3 CMT -

i trying test rollback of transaction initiated ejb3 container, involves spring jpa repository call , message sender rabbitmq using spring amqp integration. after cmt rollback see db transaction gets rolled back, message getting delivered queue.

i injecting spring bean ejb makes call rabbit template , has @transactional annotation. see transactioninterceptor committing transaction after spring bean send message call. hoping delegate commit container.

any suggestions/workarounds appreciated. wasn't able figure out how initialize transactionsynchronizationmanager without using @transactional annotation.

here code committing transaction when spring bean proxy executes transactioninterceptor code:

resourceholdersynchronization   @override   public void aftercommit()   {     if (!shouldreleasebeforecompletion()){  -- method returns false         processresourceaftercommit(this.resourceholder);    -- calling commitall      }   }  connectionfactoryutils/rabbitresourcesynchronization         @override         protected boolean shouldreleasebeforecompletion() {             return !this.transacted; -- transacted true (channeltransacted) }     rabbitresourceholder         public void commitall() throws amqpexception {         try {             (channel channel : this.channels) {                 if (deliverytags.containskey(channel)) {                     (long deliverytag : deliverytags.get(channel)) {                         channel.basicack(deliverytag, false);                     }                 }                 channel.txcommit();             }         } catch (ioexception e) {             throw new amqpexception("failed commit rabbitmq transaction", e);         }     }        

here spring configuration:

  <tx:jta-transaction-manager/>   <tx:annotation-driven  />  <rabbit:connection-factory id="rabbitconnectionfactory"      addresses="node01:5672,node02:5672" username="user.." password="pwd..." />   <bean id="rabbittemplate"      class="org.arbfile.monitor.message.broker.api.rabbitmq.customrabbittemplate" >     <property name="connectionfactory" ref="rabbitconnectionfactory" />     <property name="retrytemplate" ref="retrytemplate" />     <property name="exchange" value="user.example.exchange" />     <property name="queue" value="user.example.queue" />     <property name="routingkey" value="user.example.queue" />     <property name="channeltransacted" value="true" /> </bean> 


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