vhdl - Which signal in the sensitivity list triggers the process -
in vhdl, when simulating testbench, have process , sensitivity list. possible see signal in sensitivity list has triggered process? understand may dependent on tools. im using xilinx ise. simulator give information?
you can use 'transaction
attribute in conjunction 'event
determine signals have had transaction in current delta cycle:
process(a, b) begin if a'transaction'event report "transaction on a"; end if; if b'transaction'event report "transaction on b"; end if; end process;
the 'transaction
attribute creates new signal of type bit toggles on each transaction. 'event
attribute on signal identifies when transaction has happened on parent signal.
you can use not <signal name>'quiet(0 ns)
determine signals sensitivity list have had transaction since last time step:
process(a, b) begin if not a'quiet(0 ns) report "transaction on a"; end if; if not b'quiet(0 ns) report "transaction on b"; end if; end process;
the latter may more useful if don't want deal sequencing of events happen on different delta cycles.
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