regex - Identifying Difference in string using Perl -

i have 2 stings (sentences) , identify specific difference in both strings (sentences) when not match.

my sample code below

my $diffpara1 = "this paragraph 1";  $diffpara2 = "this paragraph 2 different first paragraph";  $samepara1 = "this paragraph same";  $samepara2 = "this paragraph same";  print (($diffpara1 eq $diffpara2) ? '<span style="background-color: green">matching</span>' : '<span style="background-color: red">not matching</span>');  print "<br/>".(($samepara1 eq $samepara2) ? '<span style="background-color: green">matching</span>' : '<span style="background-color: red">not matching</span>'); 

the result above code is:

sample output

the above indicates if strings (sentences) match or if strings (sentences) doesn't match. generate output indicates different in both strings (sentence).

example output want (bold difference):

this paragraph 1
paragraph 2 different first paragraph

i not sure if can use regex obtain required output.

thanks in advance help.

try text::worddiff. can output differences html, deleted , inserted sections marked <del> , <ins> tags respectively. quick example:

use strict; use warnings; use feature ":5.10"; use text::worddiff;  $diffpara1 = "this paragraph 1"; $diffpara2 = "this paragraph 2 different first paragraph";  # output difference between lines html, on 2 lines: $diff = word_diff \$diffpara1, \$diffpara2, { style => 'htmltwolines' };  $diff; 


<div class="file"><span class="hunk">this paragraph </span><span class="hunk"><del>1</del></span></div> <div class="file"><span class="hunk">this paragraph </span><span class="hunk"><ins>2 different first paragraph</ins></span></div> 

identical lines:

my $samepara1 = "this paragraph same"; $samepara2 = "this paragraph same"; $diff2 = word_diff \$samepara1, \$samepara2, { style => 'htmltwolines' }; $diff2; 


<div class="file"><span class="hunk">this paragraph same</span></div> <div class="file"><span class="hunk">this paragraph same</span></div> 

there numerous different output options (save plain text, save html, save file, save variable, etc.) , can configure html version show inserted , deleted text in different colours, in bold, or want using almighty power of css.


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